Me & Julia


My awakening journey started several years ago. Since I was a little kid I felt attracted to UFOs, Aliens, Sci-Fi movies, etc. I still remember the TV Series Show V from 1984, Star Wars, Galactica, etc. Back then, for me the concept of Starseeds seemed out of this world, incredible, like the super heroes. I pictured people from the stars with amazing powers, gifts, just like the movies. I remember in the late 90’s the Starseeds concept started to arise more and more around the world.

Years went by after the new millennium and the Starseeds information grew in popularity. Still, I decided to ignore it and focus on other esoteric topics. The year 2012 came and I did not feel anything. I believed only people with great super natural gifts were Starseeds.

Long story short, something happened at the beginning of 2021 and I got hit by a big wave of Starseeds questions with a strong urge to find information online & in books.

My Starseeds awakening began and a new path had begun. I love Astrology and I wondered how to use it to find our connection to Star races. I wanted to know more and I decided to do a few galactic readings. The results were similar showing my connection with the Andromedans, Pleidians, Orion and Arcturians.

Something amazing happened in May 2021 when I found the Galactic Astrology 101 course by the lovely Julia Balaz. This was like a love at first sight! My experience with Julia was wonderful and I truly loved everything in this course. I did my own chart but it took between 5 to 7 hours to complete it. It requires a lot of work and patience to calculate the stars alignments manually. Julia was not kidding when she explained that in her class. I communicated back and forth with Julia telling her “Hey I’m a Software Developer, maybe I can write a program to get this quicker” and so, I did.

By the end of June 2021, Julia did an amazing Starseeds reading for me that completely resonated and had similar galactic races from my previous readings.

HM Certificate


I see a world full of Happiness, Love, Kindness, Peace, Awe, Gratitude, …………
There is no Hate, Fear, Violence, Lies, War, Cruelty, Pain, Hunger, ………………..
This World does not need money and it has free energy.
All these kind souls want to help each other.
They love their work to improve their environment, home, society.
No need for lawyers, police, accountants, etc.
The Animals live in harmony and this world does not need to consume meat.
No more cutting Trees, Fishing, Hunting, Killing, ……..
I see a great technology advance. The A.I. helps these souls to reach other worlds.
This World is Perfect! This is My One Vision…..

Always Love & Believe in Yourself! May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the cosmos,